
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Makeshift Garden

THE Makeshift Garden
We got a slightly red cherry tomato today! Our first. Jon and I have both always wanted a garden but unfortunately there isn't any room in our backyard now that isn't shaded by tall trees. So I decided to try for herbs because you can contain those in a small area which worked perfectly for this big pot that I had nothing to put in. I did some research on a few of the favorites (i.e. italian parsley, basil, thyme, rosemary, chives, & sage) and went to work. I have loved the cooking smells coming from the plants and watching them grow. I have already started the drying process with some of the basil. We'll let you know how it tastes. I decided to throw in a cherry tomato plant because Jon loves them and I thought it would be nice to add some color to all the green. We've been staring at baby green ones for weeks now and have been anxiously waiting for a ripe red tomato to pick and eat. I noticed this morning we're about there! So I had to share in the joy I felt. Jon will be super excited. It isn't quite red yet but I'm guessing in the next few days it'll be gobble worthy. I can't wait for the day that we can have rows of corn, squash, beans, peas, carrots, & pumpkins (and plenty more). We'll have a huge garden at our next home. Jon is an amazing cook and I can only imagine the excitement we'll share getting produce in our own backyard someday. My grandfather and Jon's alike were both very avid gardeners and it's interesting to see the gene passed on. Wish us luck!


Jon and Hollie

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