
Friday, June 17, 2011

Some exciting news to share...

I realize it's been months since I've made any effort whatsoever to post and that I've more than likely lost my two readers-but here goes nothing. For a good while I just lost any motivation I had for things that used to make me happy and I've decided that it's never too late to pick back up on the things you need in life that showcase your individuality.
Jon and I have had a busy couple of months. We continually take pride in our home and we're always doing little things here and there to update it and make it ours. If we had all the money in the world the house would be completely flipped because we both enjoy making something out of nothing. Jon is and has always been such a handy man and between you and me sometimes I think it irritates him how much I ask him to do. "Build me this, paint that, refinish this" never gets old to me but I'm sure he's tired of hearing it. It's his fault for being so good at everything, right? Our latest and greatest development in the house is the nursery. Yes, you read that right a nursery for a beautiful baby...a baby girl.
It's been a year since we made the decision to expand our family. When I think back to a year ago at this time I remember how naiive I was and how I just figured it would happen so quickly. It didn't happen as fast as I would have dreamed or in the way that I would have originally hoped-but it happened at the right time for us and it all makes sense now. We suffered a loss in October and that was a major setback for us but with help from the Lord and leaning on the strength of our relationship we pushed on and in the end reached our ultimate goal. We fell pregnant in February and are expecting a little girl to arrive in November. It's been an up and down roller coaster with countless conversations between Jon and I where I'm begging him to reassure me that everything is going to be okay.
We have both received enormous blessings from this experience, I am and will be forever amazed by the people who have been there to support us and pray for us and our happy ending. I have found kinship in the most unlikely of places and I know it's God's way of placing certain people in my life to get me through. We have confirmed over and over again the importance of family by the way they have been there for us and given us their prayers and blessings. I am so grateful for my family and those that have shown how much they care.
We have reached the halfway mark, I am currently twenty weeks along with a huge bump and even though I'm always praying for the weeks to pass I'm starting to get a little nervous for the future. (An excited kind of nervous) We've only got a few months left to go and lots to do.

I'll try and keep everyone updated as things progress and go along. In the meantime I hope everyone has a happy and hearty summer. Bring on the nice weather!

All our love,
Jon and Hollie

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I was hoping to hear something like this sometime! I want to see your cute little belly! November is a good month!
